Monday, February 4, 2013

I Am From

I am from the mountains, the deep rolling hills of the Berkshires
I am from the streams, the ponds, the puddles
The highest peaks and the lowest valleys
I am from the foxes, the bears, the badgers and the snakes
I am from the snowy winters, trapping amphibians under water and mammals in hiding
I am the from the trembling voices surrounded by utter silence
The wind whipping in and out, through the trees echoing throughout our souls chilling bodies from toes to nose
I am from the warm fire but still shivering

I am From the awakening
I am from the unfreezing of the world around us as the sun sets in
The first sprouting in March, the filling of the lakes
I am from the rain, washing away our dirty secrets and imperfections
The heavy streams taking away the ground and the rousing mammals, out of hibernation

I am from the hot direct sun light
the sun burns, sand between our toes, sour sun screen
I am from the lightning shows at midnight casting shadows on those below
The long night around the camp fire creeping in closer as the clock spins
and The stack of books that begins to disappear as the temperature rises

I am from oranges yellows and reds as they turn to brown
the morning frost catching the green thumbed off guard
waking up to the dark shortening days
I am from sweatshirts and fuzzy cotton socks
I am from the mountains, the deep rolling hills of the Berkshires